
Organisational Consciousness

An introduction to the Creative Publics methodology and framework

Our framework is accessed by what we call the Atlas. This maps all possible organisational assets and helps us:
  1. to frame diagnostic questions
  2. to identify new possible alignments between existing assets
  3. to decode them from the Atlas
  4. to grade the answers
  5. to help us to choose appropriate remedial workshop methods.
See also 4th Order Systems


The Creative Publics methodology offers organisations a comprehensive approach to managing uncertainty in an increasingly complex world. By enabling them to harness their own (often untapped) capacity for innovation, it enables them to adapt to unexpected change. Our framework enables them to maintain, and to manage, their own resilience on a permanent basis. If required, it can also enable them to anticipate, or pioneer, change before it happens.

The Context

There are many reasons why the world has become less predictable. Greater connectivity has accelerated the pace of innovation. Technology has made it easier, and often cheaper, to implement new ideas. This means that, unless organisations are sufficiently adaptable and resourceful, they risk failure. In practical terms, this means being able to respond quickly enough to unexpected change. It may even mean being able to revise its fundamental understanding of the world. Consciousness is a useful metaphor for discussing these issues. If a person, or animal, fails to respond to change we may assume it is asleep, or unconscious. The longer it remains unresponsive to change, the more vulnerable it becomes. On the other hand, if it can anticipate change it is much more likely to flourish.

Our Definition

Our definition of consciousness describes more than 'awareness'. It denotes several aspects of an organisation:
1. A fit and healthy structure -

  • for living organisms
    • this includes the bodily organs, limbs, brain, etc.
  • for organisations and institutions, etc., -
    • this includes the whole infrastructure (e.g. buildings, technologies, legal rights, people, etc.)

2. A state of alertness and control over this structure (and its internal processes).
3. A state of alertness to relevant events happening around it.
4. A level of understanding that sees all of the above factors as functionally interconnected.

Joining More Dots

In crude terms, our term 'Organisational Consciousness' is similar to a state that reflects how many dots are connected to one another. We use it to map all of the Organisation's assets, whether or not they are deemed to be of value.

Mapping Organisational Consciousness

We use 2 parameters:

  1. The Organisation's Primary Assets
  2. How the primary assets align with one another to produce Combined Asset Yields.
    • N.B. we see both as potential 'assets', whether or not they are normally valued as such.

Becoming Conscious of Unnoticed Assets - by exploring forgotten, unnoticed, or unexpected configurations we can refresh existing assets, or, find new ones. The #Synergy6 Framework is designed to align the assets. By connecting assets together in the right way it is possible to produce an additional asset (see synergy). See also Metacalf's Law

Raising Consciousness


1.Does the organisation have a sufficient diversity?We can audit assets but are unlikely to change diversity
2.Are enough parts connected in the right places?Improve the organisational infrastructure.
3.Can the organisation use its diversity to sustain itself?Improve combination, and coordination, of its assets.
4.Can it manage these assets to cope with change?Enhance combinations to deliver more synergy


The numbers

1.Lucky TeamsEngagedEngagedEngaged
2.Cool CatsEngagedEngagedPatchy
3.Reciprocal LosersEngagedEngagedOver-hierarchical
4.Witless Affirmers DisengagedEngagedDisengaged
5.Cynical AquiescersEngaged DisengagedConfused
6.Stoppers & Blockers DisengagedDisengagedEngaged

Further Reading

See Grading the Assets
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