Super Wicked Solutions
See also wicked problems, super wicked problems and other glossary entries
- In traditional logic, question framing can be contrived to create a symmetry between question and answer.
- Here, as designers, it is useful to differentiate between answer-seeking questions and outcome-seeking questions.
- This is because design is more useful in practical deeds and intended outcomes, rather than in verifying truth claims. (see Auspicious Reasoning).
- However, any resolution of a wicked problem or a super wicked problem will have been barely discernible (if at all) from attempts to frame it clearly.
- However, given the contingent flexibility of language games implied by the above discussions it is reasonable to advance the idea of an opportunity-seeking question, that is more akin to an outcome-seeking question, rather than an answer-seeking question.
- Likewise, we can, at least, imagine a wicked solution that answers a wicked problem, even if we are more likely to find an example of one, post hoc, than to pre-conceive one when it is needed.
- see our glossary of terms