The Eighth Meta-Circles Meeting
5th February 2020 at Goldsmiths, University of London
See the previous meeting in a series held to explore our notion of Meta-Circles
The Meeting
- Jordan Dalladay-Simpson joined Stacey, Alfredo and John W in a New Cross Cafe.
- Alfredo updated us on his exploration of the Tiddlywiki project
- It has useful properties but may be too 'clunky' for use by Network members.
- Alf also showed us the Feminist Database
- John asked whether this technology could enable the Network to expand on Jordan's Metadesign matrix
- (see graphic at bottom of the introduction page).
- OR - could we use it to cross-reference the Ten Metadesign Principles with members' interests?
- Jordan suggested Startup as a possible publication vehicle for news and quick fire ideas.
- Example: see Alan Rayner's Blog
- Hannah is at Stanford D School and alerted us to Green Alleys
- Jordan said he'd be happy to:
- help set this up with our team as editors
- reach out to people who already have relevant content on there!
See a more complete proposal by JW for MEMBERSHIP CONDITIONS