Frequently Asked Questions
this will grow once people ask us questions.....frequently
Why is the website so sparse?
- You may not have enough privileges to see all of the pages
- Many parts are visible only to our authors, or site administrators.
- All have agreed to abide by Creative Commons
How do I become a member?
- Please go to the membership page
Can you help me use the website?
- YES - see our web FAQs here
Why did we chose Wiki?
- The Wiki style of website was conceived in 1994 by Ward Cunningham.
- Wikipediais a well-known example that enables thousands to collaborate.
- This website uses a more versatile Open Source system called TikiWiki
Why don't we use Facebook or Twitter?
- We do...
Twitter1 | Twitter2 |
- Blogging and social networking websites are very useful for organizations like ours.
- We use Facebook and Twitter to provoke ideas, announce events and keep in touch with people.
- We also use Wikipedia as a public space for re-defining our mission and agenda.
- However, co-authoring is vitally important to the shared development of metadesign.
- Unfortunately, none of the above formats make co-authoring easy or effective enough.
Wikis encourages co-authoring
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- Our web programmer Jonny Bradley is a prominent TikiWiki developer
- He does our trouble-shootingand keeps us up-to-date with upgrades etc.
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