School of Muralism

ArtMongers Wind Up
Online meeting between JW and Laura Henry, Tuesday 21st July, 2020
To devise and evaluate a framework for learners as part of theLewisham School of Muralism's planned courses.

Initial Plan

JW proposed the following outline of 4 Phases to Laura Henry on Wednesday 8th July 2020:

    • Preliminary meetings and
    • a presentation as outline introduction and overview
    • discussion/s regarding what kind of learner/practitioners you expect
    • discussions of how you expect to work with them (tasks/methods of engagement with clients, etc.).
    • I would come up with suggested criteria that make sense to:
      • your students
      • your staff
      • possible external examiners<?>
      • external bodies (? subsequent employers / educational institutions etc)
  3. TESTING IMPLEMENTATION - maybe working with a selected prototype with one or two learners over a few weeks
    • Approval
    • Possible adjusment/modification
    • Full launch of agreed version
  4. EVALUATION (after putting prototype/s into practice)
    • Anticipated de-brief and signing off

Assessment Criteria

JW requested some initial assessment criteria from Patricio and Neus, who compiled this list (24th July 2020)__:

  1. Understanding context
    • COMMENT: maybe we could include 'context' as an important, integral part of the 4-fold framework?
  2. Problem Solving
    • COMMENT: Yes, we also have some 'tools that are more positive (in the sense that framing 'problems' can distract from opportunities, which are sometimes more useful. So I would advocate presenting the Relational Learning Framework (RLF) as a creative springboard. For example, whereas business theorists like to use 'SWOT' analysis, we invented a creative (more 'positive') alternative called 'POUT'.
  3. Initiative & Team work
    • COMMENT: There are 8 Basic Concepts (4 inward-facing and 4 outward-facing) that I would use to guide learning and evaluate it. One of my task will be to amend and update this basic list in accord with your needs and constraints. What you call 'Initiative' will emerge from concept number one. The second Basic Concept matches self-awareness (for initiative) with an imaginative understanding of another person. This could be a member of the team, or a client. So Teamwork evolves (via other tools) from these aspects of our metadesign processes
  4. Practical understanding of the process involved in creating a public artwork.
    • COMMENT: RLF is unlikely to offer specific advice about (the technology or aesthetics) of mural painting, However, RLF will bring about transferrable skills that will help the learners to do what they need to do. However, unless they learn to manage their responsibilities sensitively and creatively, they may not achieve the approval rating and support they need.
  5. Engagement with others (students & community groups)
    • COMMENT: see the 'raw' criteria (listed above)
  6. Public Responsibility
    • COMMENT: I would not try to offer specific legal, or H&S advice in regard to Muralism. However, 4A and 4B (see below) express a balance between social/environmental ethics and the commercial pragmatism that professional clients might reasonably expect.
  7. Understanding of Health and Safety
    • COMMENT: Again, I would help you to blend RLF into up to date standards, methods and techniques in H&S.
  8. Development of ideas, designs and artwork (level of engagement with creative process)
    • COMMENT: The criteria I would advocate is designed to permit personal adaptation, rather than a rule-based approach. This is an appropriate way for encouraging individuals to use creativity within their professional services.
  9. Proposal Writing
    • COMMENT: If proposal writing is part of the process I can bring a range of writing methods to the table that were designed expressly for designers, rather than (for example) scholars or artists. I see the kind of muralists you have implied in your criteria as halfway between artists and consultants. As artists, they will need to understand themselves (1A) and their own passions (2A). As consultants, they will also need to understand their clients (1B), their duties as citizens (4A) and the skills they must acquire as professionals (4B).
  10. Organisation / project management
    • COMMENT: This is likely to stem from experience in using our team tools within the exercises you set them.
  11. PROJECTION - Likelihood to paint your own mural
    • COMMENT: It may be best to start from basic practical project work and then introduce the RLF once it can be given this down-to-earth context.

The Basic Framework

This will be a starting point from which I would work with you to modify into 2 new versions that would be appropriate for your 2 client groups.

1A Self-knowledge grey-spacer.png Did I show that I am self-aware & actively included in this essay?
1B Reader-sympathy grey-spacer.png Did I show that I understand, and can help my reader?
2A CuriosityDid I show I am in touch with my interests, questions, and inquiries?
2B Research Skills grey-spacer.png Did I show I am reflective/sceptical/observant/careful/precise/well balanced?
3A StudentshipDid I show that I attended classes and learned from the course?
3B Communication grey-spacer.png Did I make my proposition tangible/visible to my reader/s?
4A Professional AimsDid I include my career aims/practices in the whole presentation?
4B Ethical Awareness grey-spacer.png Did I show I am aware of my responsibility to the Biosphere AND/OR society?

N.B. these can be expanded/augmented from what you see as the fundamental purpose, or ideal vision, behind your learning process. A broader set of criteria can act as connectors that encourage the Learner to do some, or all, of the following.

  1. Follow a personal dream/vision/sense of curiosity/
  2. Learn skills immediately required for, and/or relevant to, muralism
  3. Learn how to learn independently
  4. Learn to manage her own learning agenda
  5. Learn how to reflect upon her own motivations, aspirations, skills and capabilities

End Goals for Learners

  1. Strengthening their commitment to working with local communities
  2. Employability
  3. By helping learners to acquire relevant workshop techniques
  4. By helping learners to acquire relevant partnership skills

Whether a full-time evaluator is required?

  • Patricio thinks yeas
  • Laura thinks no

Accreditation as useful long term feasible goal?
Eventual management by an existing college?

  1. organisational/philosophical logic of development
  2. user-friendly delivery description

Entredonneurship + Entrepreneurship
Get Laura to fill in the 4 specific parts of the tetrahedron

  1. Who is the learner?
  2. Who is the recipient?
  3. What is the task?
  4. What is the main context?