
Team Design for the TUFF Climate Change Workshops

Designing Teams as Living Systems

JW Fig 2 square-50cm-spacer.jpg Metadesign Practical Outcomes Map

This is a team design that we evolved in previous Metadesigners workshops, based on theories by Maturana & Varela.

We envisage assembling 4 teams of 4 for the live workshops (i.e. the fifth 'consultants' team may, or may not, be present at the actual workshop). There would also be either 2, or 4, observers for each of the 4 teams.

Builder / Innovator of Meansmakers of practical hardware/useable systemsclick here
Implementer / Innovator of Habits or Behavioursframers of legislation / codes of practiceclick here
Steerer / Shaper of / Collective behaviourstrend setter in habits / beliefs / thinkingclick here
Facilitator / Influencer / Elucidatorcommunicators / educators / stylists / journalistsclick here
Leader / Validator / Evidence Checkerscientists / climate change consultants / expertsclick here

What Interests Would They Explore?

Builders & Creators of Infrastructure

  1. Geo-engineering - Marcus?
  2. Ephemeralization of existing systems
  3. Synergising existing systems

Implementers / Innovators of Habits or Behaviours

  1. Feedback loops (re)designed - Meadows Levers c.f. numbers 8, 7 and 6)|
  2. Feedback loops within the market system is interesting
    • e.g. Otto von Busch's Hactivism
    • download The Fashion System by Roland Barthes.
    • n.b. what is 'market demand'? It seems to be non-linear - individual desire rather than public need.
    • e.g. problem of investing in antibiotics - destroys its own market and cannot be overused without killing its own long-term efficacy
  3. Trim Tab - c.f. Buckminster Fuller
  4. Re-designing money (e.g. e-Portemonnee - "having a real effect on people's behaviour" (p. 82)
  5. Lemkinism (e.g. design of legal terms, such as ecocide)
  6. Self-transformation - how can we achieve it? (social media / Apps?)
  7. Gamification (e.g. playing the system)
  8. A synergy-of-synergies through collaboration and bisociation

Steerers / Shapers of / Collective behaviours

  1. Download Peter Spring's (2008) article on 'Adaptive assembly'.
  2. Understanding denialism
  3. Languaging change
  4. The importance of 'languaging' to biodiversity
    • James Lovelock - applying Malcolm Gladwell's term tipping point to climate change is inappropriate ('sliding point' may be more appropriate).
    • Buckminster once said, "The people who let the sulphur go into the air are not in the sulphur business".
    • Can we see CO2 like this?
    • (c.f. Wm McDonough's framework for distinguishing modes of carbon)
      • 1. 'fugitive'
      • 2. 'durable'
      • 3. 'living'
  5. Improving affordances
  6. Reform at cognitive levels - Anthropological understanding, biases and behaviour
  7. Reform at psychological levels - our consultant: Laura Joankneckt comes on 10th August
  8. Blindspot analysis - Tools to shift/create awareness
  9. A synergy-of-synergies through collaboration and bisociation

Facilitators / Influencers / Elucidators

  1. Challenging media dominance
  2. Relational learning - Holistic thinking in education
  3. Organisational Consciousness
  4. Positive envisioning